How to Get Rid of a Unibrow Temporarily or Permanently.
If you’re reading this, chances are you or someone you know has a unibrow. Although it’s not the end of the world, having a unibrow can be bothersome, embarrassing, and a real confidence killer. It may not be a deal breaker while dating, but getting rid of your unibrow can definitely up your attractiveness and make you appear more polished and groomed.

The good news is that if you’re wanting to know how to get rid of a unibrow there are many temporary and permanent solutions. We’ll go over the most popular methods so you can say goodbye to your unibrow for good.
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What Causes a Unibrow
Not all unibrows are equal. You may have a unibrow due to medical reasons, genetics, or just from a lack of grooming. Medical unibrows are caused by conditions like hypertrichosis, which is a condition that results in excessive hair growth. These cases may be the most difficult when figuring out how to get rid of a unibrow, but definitely not impossible.

If you don’t have a medical condition, your unibrow may simply be due to lack of grooming or genetics. According to a 23andMe genetics study on unibrows, 33% of the population have some sort of unibrow with 4% of that number being people with very thick unibrows. And yes, unibrows widely affect both men and women.
How to Get Rid of a Unibrow

The different methods of how to get rid of a unibrow that works best for you will depend on several factors, including the severity of your unibrow, your budget, and your personal preferences. Here are the most popular methods that you may want to consider.
Temporary Ways to Get Rid of a Unibrow

Tweezing is the most popular method for getting rid of a unibrow, mainly because it’s so cheap and easy to do at home. All you need is a pair of tweezers and a mirror! The downside of tweezing is that it can take a long time (especially if your unibrow is thick), and can be a bit painful ripping out the hair.
You also run the risk of ingrown hairs if you don’t do it correctly. It’s best to tweeze your unibrow right after you get out of a warm shower so your skin and hair follicles are warm and softened up.

Waxing and threading are both popular methods for temporarily removing unwanted facial hair. They work by pulling the hair out at the root, which can last anywhere from 2-4 weeks. However, these methods are not suitable for everyone – they can be quite painful, and some people have an allergy to the wax or thread used.
You may be able to wax your own unibrow at home with over-the-counter kits but it’s best to go to a professional to get the best eyebrow shape.
Shaving is another easy, at home way to get rid of a unibrow, and you most likely already have a shaver at home. Carefully shave the strip of hair between the brows, not going further than your outer nostrils. Make sure to start off slow, taking a little off at a time. You can always take off a little more if needed but if you shave off too much it may take a month or two for it to grow back. There are smaller, electric razors specifically made for eyebrow grooming that can help assist with precision.
Hair Removal Creams
Hair removal creams (depilatory creams) may be the least painful way to remove your unibrow. They work by dissolving the keratin protein in your hair follicles which will break off when the cream is wiped away. You can find hair removal creams like Nair and Veet at any drug store. Just make sure to be precise as the cream can easily spread past the parts you want removed.
An epilator is an electric device that plucks out groups of hair by the roots. The benefits of using an epilator are cleaner, smoother results that last longer than shaving. Results vary by person but you can usually expect three to four weeks before you need to remove your unibrow again. It can be a little painful at first but nothing you can’t get used to. You can find an epilator device at most drug and beauty stores for around $20 to $50.
Semi-Permanent/Permanent Ways to Get Rid of a Unibrow
Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal works by targeting the pigment in your hair follicles and then destroying the follicle with heat. It isn’t exactly a permanent hair removal solution, but it does reduce and weaken hair growth in the treated area where results can last months to years, varying on the individual. The treatment is fairly quick (usually takes less than 30 minutes) and is relatively painless. 5-10 sessions may be needed for the best hair reduction and removal results, and may run you $50 to $200 per session to get rid of a unibrow.

Electrolysis involves using electrical currents to destroy hair follicles so hair won’t grow back. It is the only FDA approved method for removing hair safely and permanently. Each session should take about 15 minutes to 30 minutes and you may need anywhere from 5-20 sessions to get your desired results. There shouldn’t be too much discomfort besides a slight zapping feeling, and some redness and soreness may linger but nothing past a day or two. Electrolysis to get rid of a unibrow will cost anywhere from $30 to $125 per session.
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