No matter how much you and your partner get along, date nights can get a little repetitive, and binge-watching your favorite show (again) doesn’t always cut it. Sometimes you just need to switch things up. Maybe you need to be more wary of your budget, the weather sucks, or you and bae just need a down day after going hard the past few days. Being able to enjoy each other’s company while at home is important, especially if you’re planning for a long-term relationship.
Why Couple Challenges Are Worth Doing
These fun, couple challenges are a mix of silliness, competition, and creativity, but they’re also about learning something new, curing boredom, and breaking out of your comfort zone together. We’ve all been in relationships where the butterflies in your stomach phase ends, and you’re left asking each other, “So, what do you want to do?” Plus it’s not friendly for your budget or your waistline to go out and make date night every night.
You and your girl need to be able to entertain each other at home sometimes besides eating, watching TV, or doing the deed. Try these couple challenges on one of those rainy days to show your partner why staying at home with you can be fun and a way to bring you two closer.
10 Fun Couple Challenges
1. Cooking Challenge: The Great Couples’ Bake-Off

Let’s kick things off in the kitchen. Pick a dish neither of you has ever attempted and have a mini cook-off. You can each take on different versions of the same recipe or do something totally different. If you’re feeling extra competitive, get some friends to judge or post the results online for votes. It’s a fun way to show off your culinary skills—or lack thereof—and there’s always a tasty meal at the end, win or lose. Loser does the dishes, of course!
2. No-Touch Challenge: The “Don’t Touch” Dare

This one is for those couples who can’t keep their hands off each other. Set a timer for however long you want (an hour, a whole date, or even 24 hours if you’re feeling brave), and see who can hold out without any touching. The first person to give in and reach for a hug, kiss, or hand-hold loses. It sounds easy, but if you’re both naturally affectionate, this one will have you laughing in no time.
3. Workout Challenge: Who Can Hold a Plank the Longest?

Want to get in shape and see who’s stronger? The plank challenge is a simple but effective way to test your endurance. Start by planking side-by-side and see who can hold it the longest. If planks aren’t your thing, you could also do wall-sits, push-ups, or sit-ups. Create your own little routines and act as each other’s personal trainer where performances can be rewarded or punished.
4. Language Challenge: Teach Each Other a Phrase in a Foreign Language

Learning a language together is always a good time, but if you want to keep it quick and playful, challenge each other to master one phrase in a different language. Maybe it’s “I love you” in Italian or “You’re amazing” in Japanese. Whoever can get it down first, with the right accent, wins! Not only will you get a laugh, but you’ll also pick up a bit of a new language along the way. Loser buys dinner at a restaurant with the same cuisine!
5. DIY Paint Challenge: Recreate a Famous Painting in 30 Minutes

Get creative with this one. Pick a famous painting (or just any image that’s easy to replicate), set a timer for 30 minutes, and try to recreate it with whatever art supplies you have at home. When the time’s up, reveal your masterpieces to each other. The results will be hilarious, and you might even end up with some “art” for your fridge. Winner’s painting goes on display on the fridge for the week!
6. The Budget Date Challenge: Plan an Epic Date for Under $20

Both of you plan a date, but here’s the catch: You can’t spend more than $20. This challenge really forces you to get creative. Whether it’s a picnic at the park with homemade snacks, a scenic drive, or a YouTube dance class where all the money is spent on sweatbands, the person who can make the most of that twenty bucks wins. Plus, it’s a reminder that you don’t need to spend big to have an amazing time together and you can save your money for an upcoming, better date.
7. Trivia Challenge: Who Knows the Other Better?

This is the ultimate couple test. Come up with ten questions about yourself and see if your partner can get them right. You might think you know everything about each other, but there’s always room for surprises. Maybe you have a favorite song they don’t know about, or you’ve got a weird quirk they’ve never noticed. Whoever scores the most points wins, and the loser has to answer a funny “dare” chosen by the winner.
8. Dance Challenge: Learn a TikTok Dance Together

You’ve seen those couples who crush TikTok dances together—why not give it a shot? Pick a dance, watch the tutorial, and try to nail it in sync. It might be harder than it looks, but you’ll get some great laughs along the way. Whoever can get the dance down the best wins, and who knows, if you’re good, you might just go viral. If you’re not a dance pro, don’t worry. Half the fun is in learning the dances, which for the most part, from what we’ve seen on TikTok, are just a little two-step and hand movements.
9. Silent Challenge: Communicate Without Words for an Hour

Think you can communicate only through gestures for a whole hour? This challenge is harder than it sounds! Set a timer and see how well you can get your point across without speaking. You’ll be amazed at how much you rely on words for even the simplest things. Whoever accidentally speaks first loses. Plus, it’s great practice for understanding each other’s nonverbal cues.
10. Taste Test Challenge: Who Has a More Sophisticated Palate?

Go to the grocery store and pick out a bunch of foods while checking out in different aisles. When you get home, set up a taste test challenge where you’ll take turns putting on a blindfold and tasting the different foods the other person has bought. Whoever gets the most right gets to choose what to eat for dinner while the other cooks (or orders) it.
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